I'm currently still in bed at 4:27pm... Today I opted for a day to finally chill out and relax with the occasional thought of maybe cleaning and doing laundry... so far not successful, however the reason for my complete none movement today which I think I deserve the luxury of chilling out and not doing anything is the following...
These last few days have been seriously hectic, not with going out and partying like the stereotypical student I should be! No I actually have been doing uni work non stop for the last 5 days and a lot of it to be precise, as deadline days approach the stress levels rise, and this being my first uni assignment to hand in I think adds added pressure, deadline day is just over a week away so i've still got plenty of time to do things however I don't want to be seriously stressing out, thinking about how much work I have to do so I have decided to plan out my days and write down what I have to do on each day... much more successful than cramping everything in last minute than I usually tend to do. Although I will find myself stressing in the last few days I will hopefully be less stressed!
As these days approach I think we have to tell ourselves to chill out, and that everything will be okay so stop stressing as long as we have tried our best then stop beating ourselves up about it (mentally not physically). I am a strong believer of 'Everything happens for a reason' and so far in life this has been the case for me! But we are all human and we do tend to stress much more than necessary. So here is a a few thing to do and take into consideration as deadline days or exam days approach.
1) Plan your days leading up to your deadline or exam, make a list and note down things you need to do for each day, this way you have set goals and know what you need to achieve on the day 'for example yesterday I decided I had to have my final design completed' which I did manage to achieve.
2) Switch up what you are doing throughout the day for example as I am doing a creative course things can get repetitive and boring if you are constantly doing the same thing so I tend to do something creative and then do an hour of research for example, in other cases maybe change the topic you are revising.
3) Take regular breaks that way you are more committed in doing the work you have set yourself for example grab a tea or coffee or maybe go out for lunch with a friend and then tell yourself what time you have to be back by to continue with your work.
4) Have a playlist that you enjoy listening to or a TV show on in the background that way I personally feel I am more motivated to do work if something I enjoy is on in the background.
5) Finally have something to look forward to when deadline day or exams are over, mine is going home to see my family for christmas and doing some much deserved shopping!
Ellie x